Selasa, 13 Desember 2011

Selasa, 06 Desember 2011

LC-A HISTORY ( 1982 - 2009 )

1982: LOMO PLC completes the first working sample of the LOMO LC-A in St. Petersburg, the former USSR.

LC-A+ Chinese Lens


The whole Lomographic phenomenon began on a sunny St. Petersburg morning back in 1982. Two gentlemen examined a rather nifty little Japanese compact camera called the Cosina CX-1 and gave orders that an improved copy should be produced on mass for the Soviet people’s snapshooting pleasure.The Lomo LC-A was, in truth, a real (and rather cheeky) copy of the Cosina. It was the greater potential of its sharp glass lens, extremely high light sensitivity and robust casing that impressed the USSR Minister of Defence and the Director of the LOMO Factory. Hence with some tweaking here and there – the LOMO LC-A was born.


 1984: The Lomo Kompakt Automat goes into mass-production and is introduced in the USSR 


1984: The Lomo Kompakt Automat goes into mass-production and is introduced in the USSR

 The first LOMO LC-A series went into mass production in 1984. Initially 1100 units were manufactured each month, solely for the Russian market. Following this first series and the ramp up period, which lasted approximately half a year - LOMO LC-A production was well underway. Up to 1200 people worked solely on the camera, 500 whom where assemblers.The LOMO LC-A quickly found its way into the hearts and pockets of the photograph-enthused Russians and after short times was exported to then Communist countries such as the Ukraine, Poland, Czechoslovakia and even Cuba. 


1991: A group of Austrian students "discover" the LOMO LC-A in Prague, Czechoslovakia and so their passion for relentless shooting with it begins.

1991: A group of Austrian students discover the LOMO LC-A in Prague, Czechoslovakia and so their passion for relentless shooting with it begins.


  Prague in May 1991. A handful of Viennese students wander though the capital taking in the newfound Czech democracy. By this time, the LC-A's days in the sun were coming to a close. Weakened by flashy imports from Asia, the LC-A was out of production and available only at quirky, old-school camera shops. It was at an establishment such as this, where the Viennese students happened upon the adorable Lomo LC-A, and bought a couple for fun. On the resplendent streets of Prague, they zipped through the first few rolls of film: shooting from the hip, through their legs and even sometimes looking through the viewfinder. 


1992: The Lomographic Society International is founded


1992: The Lomographic Society International is founded 1992: The Lomographic Society International is founded 1992: The Lomographic Society International is founded

After seeing its incredible images, the demand on the streets for a LOMO camera exploded! Soon, the best sources (and worst-guarded security posts) of the former Eastern Bloc were employed for the clandestine import of these little wonders. In 1992, the Lomographic Society (Lomographische Gesellschaft) was founded in Vienna, with the aim of spreading the message of LOMOGRAPHY throughout the globe. Exhibitions, "Lomo Embassies", parties, workshops and tours were begun to expose and convert as many willing participants as possible to the Lomographic lifestyle. Truly, the whole progression was more spontaneous and reactive than could have ever been predicted.
There was one little problem with this gloriously expanding demand – an ever-diminishing supply of the LC-A. To find the solution, our intrepid "Wieners" journeyed to the horse's mouth - the LOMO Optics factory of St. Petersburg. Relating the news of the worldwide Lomographic explosion (and engaging in some hard negotiation), the Society members successfully convinced the LOMO factory heads and Mr. Vladimir Putin (the Vice Mayor of St. Petersburg at that time!) to begin full production of the amazing LC-A once again - ensuring that all the hungry Lomographers across the world would be guaranteed a steady supply of this Russian analogue wonder. 

The 10 golden Rules are created

  1. Take your LOMO everywhere you go.
  2. Use it anytime - day or night.
  3. Lomography is not an interference in your life, but a part of it.
  4. Shoot from the hip.
  5. Approach the objects of your lomographic desire as close as possible.
  6. Don't think.
  7. Be fast.
  8. You don't have to know beforehand what you've captured on film.
  9. You don't have to know afterwards, either.
  10. Don't worry about the rules.


1994: All camera production at LOMO PLC is stopped, including the LOMO LC-A in December 1994

1994:All camera production at LOMO PLC is stopped, including the LOMO LC-A in December 1994

So it came to pass that from 1991 the demand for the LOMO LC-A experienced a gradual decline as fewer and fewer people in Russia could afford a camera.In 1994, as only 30 employees were working on the LOMO LC-A, production of the camera as the last model was discontinued and the entire camera and film department was shut down.Exactly at this point, just as the future of the LOMO PLC factory was more than uncertain and approximately 15,000 workers were forced to leave the company, a group of bright fresh-faced Lomographers went to Moscow to present an exhibition of their Lomographs. 

1995-1997: The future of the LOMO LC-A is negotiated in St Petersburg

1995-1997: The future of the LOMO LC-A is negotiated in St Petersburg

For the time being, LOMO PLC delivered 1000 cameras each month to Austria. However, as the young Austrian business grew quickly and the Lomographers demanded for more cameras, the price per camera was suddenly raised by 50% in St Petersburg! This was due to the fact that the former Soviet Union split, energy prices rose and production as a whole significantly changed for Russian enterprises, which were now in the capitalist world.In order to afford LOMO LC-A production alone, LOMO PLC had to raise the price. As the Lomographers simply couldn't pay the new price, tough negotiations followed and, finally, ground to a halt. Something needed to be done. And so the Lomographers organized a full delegation, made an appointment with the Austrian Consul in St Petersburg and finally sat in front of the Vice-Mayor of St Petersburg - a friendly person named Vladimir Putin. The future Russian premier, Putin, convinced the LOMO PLC officials to recalculate the production of the camera again and finally each party agreed that production of the LOMO LC-A should at all points be maintained. 

1997: Production of the LOMO LC-A is secured

1997: Production of the LOMO LC-A is secured

Following the meetings in St Petersburg, LOMO PLC officials debated how they could still produce the camera at affordable costs. Even though most department leaders were against continuing production, the director general of the company finally gave the green light. Despite the increasing prices and effort required to keep the camera in production, the growing worldwide popularity of Lomography was also seen as a distinct advantage to LOMO PLC's global image. All possible and impossible changes to make camera production affordable for the Lomographers were done. As a result, production of the LOMO LC-A was resumed!

2005: Russian LOMO LC-A production ultimately ends 


1997: Production of the LOMO LC-A is secured

 In early 2005, the Lomographic Society received some dire news. The LOMO Optical factory was to cease all production of the Lomo LC-A camera. As their overall production became more specific and high-tech, they could no longer support the small niche fabrication of a single (yet priceless) little camera. At first, the Lomographers were crushed by the news – but a plan soon came together. We would re-build a new Lomo - incorporating both the beloved features of the original and a host of new tricks.


 2006: The Made-in-China LOMO LC-A+, presenting new features and enhancements to the original LOMO LC-A, is released in September 2006.



2006: The Made-in-China LOMO LC-A+, presenting new features and enhancements to the original LOMO LC-A, is released in September 2006. 2006: The Made-in-China LOMO LC-A+, presenting new features and enhancements to the original LOMO LC-A, is released in September 2006.  2006: The Made-in-China LOMO LC-A+, presenting new features and enhancements to the original LOMO LC-A, is released in September 2006. 


The LOMO LC-A+ bears all characteristic qualities of its ancestor plus new features and improvements inspired directly by the wishes and suggestions of the global Lomographic community. The most remarkable new functions of the camera are a multiple exposure switch, enhanced ASA settings and a cable-release-enabled button for long time exposures. One of the simplest but most imaginative innovations of the LOMO LC-A+ is that small slots are added on either side of the lens. Via these ‘front grooves’ plenty of clever accessories can be fitted, which extend the optics and possibilities of the camera.This copy of a copy of a copy is now almost entirely produced in China. Although a small quantity of the legendary Minitar 1 lens, is still manufactured at LOMO PLC in St Petersburg. The camera is produced by the Lomographic Society and Colibri Manufacturers. The LOMO LC-A+ was first released in September 2006. Since June 2007 there is also a LOMO LC-A+ with a Made-in-China Minitar 1 lens available. Needless to say the cleverly introduced Chinese copy of the Minitar 1 delivers 98% the same results as its original.


2008 LOMO LC-A Book is released

2008 LOMO LC-A Book is released


Many cameras have made history. But only very few bear the same character and massive following as the LOMO LC-A. Taking this into account, LOMO LC-A – The Greatest Camera of All Time is the first ever publication that fully encompasses the entire phenomenon the little Russian compact camera entitles. Whereas other photography books focus on a photographer, a style or an era, the LOMO LC-A book focuses entirely on the camera. Its images stem from Lomographers all over the world, who contributed their best shots to this project. Out of more than 10,000 images, approx. 3,000 found their way into the book together with the best images from the Lomography World Archive. In this book we trace the LOMO LC-A back to its roots. With a total of 664 pages and weighing in at 4kg, the LOMO LC-A book is an all-encompassing homage to possibly the most characteristic and inquisitive analogue camera on this planet.


2009 Lomographers worldwide celebrate the LOMO LC-A's 25th Anniversary


2008 LOMO LC-A Book is released

  The LC-A's first 25 years are to be wholeheartedly celebrated with parties, projects, workshops and all manner of Lomographic happenings - all in honour of the amazing LOMO LC-A – the original Soviet-made compact camera with which Lomography began.

Source article

Jumat, 02 Desember 2011

My Photos on Animal Instinct Exhibition 2011

"Anjing Sebagai Sahabat Manusia"
Okinawan Agni Mulyono 

Mungkin sudah banyak yang diketahui khalayak tentang persahabatan manusia dan hewan .contohnya adalahdengan “Anjing”. Anjing menurut saya mempunyai ikatan batin yang kuat dengan majikannya . Mereka dapat berkomunikasi melalui sikap dan kasih sayang yang mereka tunjukan .baik kasih sayang dari majikan maupun dari si Anjing tersebut.Kita ambil contohnya orang buta , mereka kehilangan indera penglihatan mereka entah karena penyakit ,kecelakaan ataupun bawaan dari lahir . Tapi saya sering melihata , anjing yang dengan setianya menuntun majikannya yang buta untuk berjalan jalan di luar rumah walau hanya sepetak dari rumahnya . Jadi saya ingin mencoba mengabadikan dimana seorang majikan yang buta sedang berjalan-jalan diluar rumah dengan ditemani oleh anjing kesayangannya .dengan setianya dia menemani majikannya itu sampai tempat tujuannya . 

itu adalah photo story yang saya ikut sertakan dalam pameran tahunan klastic yogyakarta yang bertemakan " Animal Instinct " .saya awalnya binggung dalam menentukan tema yang ingin saya tuangkan dalam karya photo story saya.saya tiba - tiba terinspirasi dengan cerita dongeng Hachiko " cerita yang setia dengan majikannya ,dongeng yang berasal dari negeri sakura jepang " .lalu ada juga film favorite saya yaitu " I am Legend " yang dibintangi oleh Will smith . dimana mereka selalu bersama dan hingga akhirnya anjingnya yang terluka parah karena serangan zombie . 

Thanks to all , my God and everybody to support and contributation in my project . 

terima kasih juga buat teman saya Jzuliia Satya Riani yang telah mau menjadi model saya dan pinjaman anjing Bethoveen / Saint Bernardnya \m/ . that was coolest dog I ever saw . 

fujica m1 + lucky bw 100 .

"see you on the next exhibition klastic yk and i hope you can join ! "  

Kamis, 01 Desember 2011

apa kata cinta ?

Apa yang kamu tahu tentang cinta?apakah hanya sekedar rasa sayang?apakah hanyan dengan memberikan seikat bunga mawar merah?apakah dengan memberikan sebuah batang coklat dan sebuah boneka teddy bear memegang hati dengan tulisan ditengah " I LOVE YOU " ?disini saya akan memberikan suatu gambaran CINTA dengan caraku sendiri . let's do it 

Mr.Fisherprice just shoot
Mrs.Diana see the figure of a man
Mr.Fisher price Yes i can do it !
Mrs.Diana just shoot 
Mrs.Diana Look bottom
Mr.Fisherprice & Mrs.Diana "Hey look here"
Where are you ? 
Cheerss !

saat cinta sudah pada titik temu ,maka cintapun akan bersatu dan menjadi kekal .karena cinta itu dirasakan oleh kedua belah pihak ,tidak hanya bertepuk sebelah tangan .dan dari itu semua munculah rasa kasih sayang yang membawa bahagia untuk semua yang merasakan jatuh cinta .

Mr.Fisherprice & Mrs.Diana first look
Hey i think i love you

Namun kadang dalam percintaan juga diwarnai dengan masalah - masalah dalam berbagai hal ,mungkin karena ego masing-masing orang berbeda" dan tidak mudah untuk menyatukan 2 otak menjadi 1

Mr.Fisher price & Mrs.Diana being angry
it's your fault !
Tapi semua itu akan berakhir dengan indah jika kita bisa saling pengertian dan saling membutuhkan .buang jauh2 ego kita ,saling menyadari akan semua yang kita mau dan saling peduli apa yang kita tau .

i like your smile
Yes i am happy

i using toycamera Fujica M1 loaded roll film Kodak colorplus 200  and i combine with diana flash + red mica .thanks to talent Robert Legowo & Clara Lintang Parisca . see you next time :)

Senin, 28 November 2011

Diana Edelweiss F+ berulah !

Mencoba kamera teman sepermainan dari klasticYk yaitu Diana Edelweiss F+ .karena saya sedang tidak memiliki stock film 120mm maka saya gunakan film 135mm dengan menutup bagian back belakang dan sisi - sisi body kamera agar tidak bocor .tapi karena saya masih susah beradaptasi dengan kamera 120mm .putaran setiap frame masih ngaco dan tidak beraturan alhasil dari 36 frame dalam satu roll hanya bisa jadi beberapa gambar saja dan masih ada yang under exposure .  

"  Street art of here-here yk "

" Yogyakarta Monument  "

" Anins patner of hunter "

" UGM Rektorat "

" ilalang lebat  "

" Monster Machine "

itulah beberapa shoot saya menggunakan Diana Edelweiss F+ dengan kombinasi film Horicolor 100 yang saya pinjam dari teman .mungkin masih perlu beradaptasi jika menggunakan kamera 120 dan jika anda sedang tidak memiliki film 120mm pakailah film 135mm .jangan takut untuk mencoba , gagal wajar . karena kita masih perlu pengalaman ," lets try and get the result ". (owlofi)